Publication Date: July 5th, 20155
Genre: New Adult Romance
Genre: New Adult Romance
Tour Company: Irresistible Reads Tour
Book Description:
When Aria Morgan met Gavin Thomas, the last thing she was looking for was love. Love hurts. She knew that. She knew there was no chance she was ready to be close to someone again. But the draw between them was too much to avoid or ignore and somehow, she’d found a way to live again and Aria found her happiness again.
A terrible misunderstanding almost splits them apart for good but Aria and Gavin vow to hold on to the love they share. When you find the one person who accepts you for who you are- faults and all, how can you possibly let that go? How can Aria fathom it?
But when a loss so big, a loss that rocks her world and shatters it to pieces, forces her to make that
choice for the safety of her own heart, can she let go of her love?
Can Gavin, a man so filled with adoration for the beautifully perfect dancer he met only months ago, let her go if she asks him to?
Loss forces them apart, will thier grief bind them together in the love they found one summer day? Or will it be lost forever?
About the Author:
Amanda Kaitlyn is a new and up and coming author of contemporary romance. The Find Her series is her first work. If she isn’t writing or developing her characters, you can find her in front of her kindle or spending time with her family and friends. When she’s not writing, she is a coffee loving barista and a good listener to her friends. Writing has always been her passion!
Official Website

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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