
Book Tour - Seduced by Pain by Kimberly Kinrade

Their passion will destroy them.
Only true love can save them.

"Hope is a fragile thing, yet strangely enduring. It hides in the crevices of pain, burrowing
deep until unseen, for fear that sorrow, in its rage, will devour hope's desperate hold on the

It can live there for years, silent and waiting. Or, it can be slaughtered with a word--
mankind's most powerful weapon.

They say that universes are created with words.

And with words, they are destroyed.

Just as mine has been."

In the sequel to Seduced by Innocence, Derek and Rose face even greater threats to their love as Derek fights to protect the core of his family's power while Rose struggles to control her own dark gift.

This book is recommended for 17+ due to explicit sexual content. It is a new adult paranormal romance with erotic content and includes shifters, demons and witches.

**Rose's story is a trilogy, not stand alone books. The first two books have cliffhanger endings. Her complete story in one book will be available as "Seduced" when the author finishes writing all three books and they are out. If you do not like cliffhanger endings, please consider waiting to purchase until Seduced the omnibus edition is out.**

Look for these books in the Seduced Saga coming 2013.

Seduced by Innocence (Rose's Story, Book 1)
Seduced by Pain (Rose's Story, Book 2)
March 2013- Seduced by Power (Rose's Story, Book 3)

TBA - Seduced by the Sea (Ocean's Story)
TBA- Seduced by Love (A Surprise!)

About the Author: 
Kimberly Kinrade was born with ink in her veins and magic in her heart. She writes fantasy and paranormal stories for all ages and still believes in magic worlds. Check out her YA paranormal series The Forbidden Trilogy, her lower grade fantasy series The Three Lost Kids, and watch for her New Adult romance and fantasy books coming in 2013 including The Seduced Saga, Sunrise and Nightfall, Death by Destiny and The Fallen Trilogy and her next YA fantasy adventure, The Reluctant Familiar. You can find her books on Amazon, B&N and Goodreads among other fine retailers.

When she's not writing, she runs Daring Books Design & Marketing with her husband, Dmytry Karpov, where they help authors with all manner of marketing, editing, and design needs until such a time that their brilliant children take over the business for them.

She lives with her three little girls who think they're ninja princesses with super powers, her two cats who think they're gods (and probably are), her two dogs who think they're humans and her husband, also known as the sexy Russian Prince, who is the love of her life and writing partner.

Follow Kimberly Kinrade: Website Twitter Facebook Goodreads Amazon

My thoughts: This is the second book in the series. I would suggest reading them in order as you will not know who the characters are or the storyline that is carried over. I did read the first and will have a review of it up on April 2. If you love shape shifters, demons and witches along with some hot romance you will love this series. We follow Rose while she and Derek try to overcome what happened to them and their relationship in the first book. Blake is on a huge mission to get Rose to love him, but he is also in cahoots with her mother to stay in the body he is in right now, a demon of the sorts.

I love Kimberly Kinrade's chilldrens series and I was very interested to see how she switches over to write a fantasy/erotica type series. The author does a great job at switching into adult gear and making her books easy to read, flows nicely between each character (one chapter is Rose, Derek or Blake). The erotica scenes are hot and it leaves you wanting more. Each chapter starts off with a quote from Shakespeare. I am not a be fan of Shakespeare but the quotes are fitting for the chapters and makes a great touch.

I give this book a 4.5 stars and would recommend it to anyone who loves a great romance book of witches, demons and don't forget hot shape shifters.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn on behalf of IO Book Tours. I received the above book for review purpose. All opinions are honest and my own.*~


  1. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Thanks for reading and reviewing. I'm so glad you're enjoying the series! :)

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Thanks for stopping by Kimberly! and thanks for some great reads!


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