As I begin to really get ready for the two social media conferences (BlogHer '13 & Blissdom Canada) I will be attending this year I realized I needed more business cards to hand out. I also decided I would pick up some business cards for my new hobby Genuine Jenn Designs, where I make and sell beaded jewelry and stitch markers for knitting (Don't forget to "Like" my new Facebook page).
I found some great coupons for Vistaprint and they offer coupons for more than just business cards. I have been been purchasing my business cards and other promotional items from Vistaprint for the last few years and have been really happy with my items. They have a wide variety of items that can be customized or you can use there own designs from pens, magnets to t-shirts and bags. Right now I am just getting business cards but I may pick up a few other things in the near future.
Now that my cards are order that is one less thing to have to worry about while packing for BlogHer!

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn on behalf of Vista Print Deals. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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