Please welcome Troy Gardner author of Wakefield (Mad World book #1) and many others (see list below).
Tell us a little bit about your book(s) and yourself. I’m the type of person who likes TV series like House, Doctor Who, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer because they really mix up the tone and even genre from episode to episode. I write whatever mood I’m in, so you’ll find a mix of horror, paranormal, mythological, non-fiction, comedy, holiday, and realistic YA in my writing.
When was your first book published?
Wakefield (Mad World, Book One), co-authored by Erin Callahan, came out in October, 2013 after working on it for a few years.
Are you currently working on anything?
Yes; way too many projects. I’m submitting a few novel length manuscripts and working on sequels and solo projects, as well as writing with partners.
Why did you decide to become an Author?
I always wanted to tell stories, and originally that meant acting, which moved into directing. But then I realized I didn’t have a million dollars to create a blockbuster movie, but I could write a blockbuster story.
Who and what inspired you to write?
I’m from a small town (the entire high school had 200 students), where you had to make your own entertainment.
When you are writing do you like to listen to music? What is on your playlist?
I usually have music or TV playing when I’m working. I could listen to David Bowie 24/7. Next to Normal and Hedwig and the Angry Inch are great go-tos. I love music that tells a story, so The Who and Meatloaf are up there, too.
Who is your favorite character in your books?
Ouch, I’d hate to upset some of my characters (a few are really needy). From the Mad World series, I can’t write enough of Teddy. He’s always surprising me.
Do you ever take characteristics or nuances from close friends or family when working on character development and if so has that friend or family member noticed and what was their response to it?
Whenever I use characteristics from acquaintances, they’re really small things, so no one’s ever picked up on it (most of them are probably subconscious, anyway). I do have a manuscript I’m working on that a friend read and she had no idea something was based off of her until I told her. She laughed and said it was pretty accurate.
Ouch, I’d hate to upset some of my characters (a few are really needy). From the Mad World series, I can’t write enough of Teddy. He’s always surprising me.
Do you ever take characteristics or nuances from close friends or family when working on character development and if so has that friend or family member noticed and what was their response to it?
Whenever I use characteristics from acquaintances, they’re really small things, so no one’s ever picked up on it (most of them are probably subconscious, anyway). I do have a manuscript I’m working on that a friend read and she had no idea something was based off of her until I told her. She laughed and said it was pretty accurate.
What is your favorite book of all time?
Tough one. Toss-up between Shoeless Joe (movie buffs know it as Field of Dreams), and Picture of Dorian Gray. But ask me next week and I’ll probably have a different answer.
Tell us in one sentence why we should read your books.
My books are the type of fun reads that you can find deeper themes upon close inspection, but you don’t have to do so to enjoy them, and there’s lots of humor mixed in, even to the horror stories.
List your books that are available
Wakefield (Mad World,
Book One)
Tunnelville (Mad
World, Book Two)
Examining SleepawayCamp: An Unauthorized Look at the Cult Horror Series
Examination of Chucky:
An Unauthorized Dissection of the Child’s Play Series
Guardian of Cupid’sHeart (Evermore Island, Book One)
Guardian of SuffrageCelebration (Evermore Island, Book Two)
Three May Days
(Evermore Island, Book Three)
Where can people connect with you?
My personal website and blog. MadWorld headquarters, Twitter and Facebook. I’m particularly proud of the Mad World website, so check it out.
Where can people connect with you?
My personal website and blog. MadWorld headquarters, Twitter and Facebook. I’m particularly proud of the Mad World website, so check it out.
Thank you Troy for taking your time to answer some questions for my readers at Genuine Jenn.
Thanks for having me!
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~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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