Book Description:
The Priest Whisperer is an inspiring novelette series describing the life of George Mykal Ferluci, who lives his life quietly in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. But this is about to change. One sunny afternoon George experiences an awe-inspiring vision of another dimension, causing him to doubt his common perception and world view. As he prays with all his heart to understand what happened, he enters into a visionary meditation, sliding deeper and deeper into the realms of his thoughts and feelings. There, he encounters something even more bizarre than his first vision: a voice that entangles him into an odd conversation. And so begins a life-changing, spiritual journey as the voice escorts George to meet his true self face-to-face and teaches him the secret riches of Christianity. Often witty and with inspiring anecdotes, the voice slowly dilutes George’s common sense and opens his mind to receive Jesus Christ’s long lost, esoteric memorandum: the mystery of God Child and people’s inevitable joyful destiny. As the voice elaborates the ancient, miraculous truth of mankind deeply buried in the Bible, a premonition of a modern, contemporary Christianity manifests and how it could advance beyond mere religion, allowing spiritual awakening and personal growth.
It’s a bit hard to put a label at the Priest Whisperer, since it conveys ancient mysteries in a contemporary setting. In order to do so, it’s style embraced various genres, like religious & inspirational fiction, visionary fiction, new age Spirituality, and magical realism novels.
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About the Author:
Stefan Emunds loves to write visionary fiction, but also non-fiction, screenplays, and poems when time allows. Stefan was born in Germany and enjoyed two years backpacking in Australia, New Zealand, and South-East Asia in his early twenties.
For almost three decades, Stefan has pursued a spiritual career at B.O.T.A., a modern mystery school specialized on Tarot, Qabalah, Gematria, esoteric Astrology, and Alchemy.
After getting married, Stefan chose a necessity-career in the telecommunication industry. Since then, he has worked as a business development manager in Europe, Middle East, and in Asia.
2012 Stefan finally managed to kick-start a hobby career as a writer. Around the same time, he stumbled upon the mechanical translation of the Genesis authored by Jeff Benner. He almost couldn’t recognize the Bible. He felt like a literary archeologist when he dived into the Bible's unexpected mysterious realm. This inspired him to author the God Child tetralogy, deliberately written with the purpose of bridging the gap between religion and spirituality.
Part 1 of the God Child tetralogy, The Grand Awakening, has already been published, Part 2, The Dragonslayer, will be released early 2015.
At the moment, Stefan lives in the Philippine. When he’s not writing, he plays with his 5-year-old son, joins him in his Taekwando training, or takes him for a trip to the beach.
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I have found myself reading more inspirational/religious books lately as I have been on a journey over the past year to find myself and find peace within. This little short story touches that question of Who am I? Have we looked at ourselves or should I say within ourselves to see who we really are? Instead of what we do. I am a mother, a daughter, a support worker, a reader, a blogger but really who am I? These are just things I do but it isn't who I am. I am God's Child.
George is a Priest who is wondering - "Who am I?". The voice within helps George through this dilemma through a vision & meditation. George digs deeper within himself to find out who he really is. This is a fresh story that is a quick and thought provoking read. By the end of this story I wanted to find out more about George and his journey. I can't wait to read part two.
I give this short story a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. I received a copy of this book free on Goodreads. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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