Alyssa from A Motherhood experience and I are very excited to announce some more great news!
We have both been invited to the 2nd Annual ShesConnected Conference that will be taking place the end of September in Toronto. We are very excited to have been invited to this great conference that will include the Top 200 Digitally Influential women in Canada.
KidZoomer who has been kind enough to sponsor Alyssa and myself to attend the wonderful Blissdom Canada Conference in Toronto this fall, has extended their generosity to sponsor our ShesConnected conference trip also!
A big Thank you to KidZoomer for helping us get to these two great conferences. We are very happy to extend our work with KidZoomer, to keep bringing you all the latest in Kid friendly deals along with some fun giveaways on Twitter, Facebook and our blogs.
So get ready Canada for some fun and great deals with A Motherhood Experience, Canadian Coupon Mom and KidZoomer.
If you are not yet following us on Twitter yet please find us at @AMotherhoodBlog, @CouponMomCanada and of course our wonderful sponsor @KidZoomer Watch for our daily tweets and upcoming blogs posts and giveaways.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom as an announcement for our upcoming conferences that Alyssa and I will be attending our trip being sponsored by KidZoomer. KidZoomer is not a conference sponsor. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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