Spring is almost in full swing! (I say almost as we had snow last weekend and until the end of April anything could happen). With spring here and summer really just around the corner I am looking forward to spending time at the park with the kids, swimming, camp, fishing and can't forget our special treats at Dairy Queen.
When I was pregnant with my son I ate tons and when I saw tons I mean LOADS of DQ Blizzards and looked forward each month to see which was the new flavor! I would go almost daily for my Blizzard. My fave of course is anything chocolate or peanut butter. Now I love taking the kids for a special treat and look forward to grabbing out first Blizzard's of the season very soon.
General Mills is helping Canadian families make summer time memories that will include Dairy Queen and Orange Julius! This month specially marked General Mills cereals (Lucky Charms, Cheerios and Oatmeal Crisp and others) will be sporting awesome coupons for these great products - Orange Julius beverage and DQ Blizzards!
Between April 1st and July 31,203 you can redeem your Orange Julius coupon at any Dairy Queen location to receive a small drink!
The second coupon and likely my most favorite treat of all time can be redeem between May 1 and May 31,2013 for a small Blizzard!

~*Disclaimer: I am participating in the Life Made Delicious Ambassador Program by Mom Central Canada on behalf of General Mills. I received compensation as a thank you for participating and for sharing my honest opinion. The opinions on this blog are my own.*~
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