
Canadian Coupon Sites

Over at $5 Dinners They have complied a list of resources for Canadian Coupons! It a great list. Check it out and you can even sign up for a newsletter. Usually I use at least one coupon per grocery shop but I'm trying to get better. If you have ever searched online you will see a lot of people mostly Americans who pay $20 a week for groceries since they buy on sale and combine a coupon to save even more or get it for free.

The other day I was on a blog where they had a grocery contest of spending only $25 per person. A family of 4 would spend $100 a week. The downside was it was only open to Americans. We have been trying to stick with $125 per week, but just for a challenge I may try $100 or less :) Always fun to see if you can do it.


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