Or so I thought it was time to dust off the bike after it has spent almost 7 years in storage. I have been thinking about getting the bike out for almost a month now as both of the kids have kicked their training wheels and have been able to maneuver their own bikes.
I also thought it may be good for Molly to get more exercise by running beside me as the kids and I bike around the neighborhood. Molly can go for long walks, we usually walk 4-5km and still can have tons of energy at the end of it. I am not a runner but I love to bike and thought this would be another great idea to get back into shape after the winter.
I dug out the bike from deep in the dark basement and pulled it outside to see the light of day. The tires were beyond flat and had to be pumped. I decided to take it down to the community rink to test drive around the parking lot. Remember people I haven't been on a bike in almost 7 years! All was going well until my break didn't seem to come off after I used it. I got off the bike to see what was wrong and my tire had a HUGE bulge and then POP! There went the tube in the tire. I figured after such a long time sitting it would have some problems, maybe need some oiling but I never have seen a blown bike tire.
I will be waiting until my hubby gets a chance to take a look at it and see if he can get it into working order before I back out of biking.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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