With the great weather we have had this summer we have been trying tons of different cold snacks. I love ice cream but have to restrict myself to how much I have or it isn't a good thing in my belly. Both of my children also love Popsicle and we have been making Smoothie Pops for sometime now.
Can I tell you a secret? shhh... Don't tell anyone my horrible morning mommy moments. I have also been a choose your battle type person and all last year I had a horrible time getting my daughter to eat before heading on the bus. One morning I decided to make her a smoothie and had to chase her out the door to finish it. Hmm.. not working for me. So I came back into the house to a huge blender of smoothie. Now I can't drink all that it was full of dairy. I decided to make.... Popsicles or now what we call Smoothie Pops. I hand my daughter one in the morning with some other fruit and a smooth morning it is. Is that bad? I mean they are filled with wholesome goodness.
We recently started making them with So Good soy beverage. It is great as you can add Chocolate or Strawberry very easily. The other day we made Chocolate Banana Smoothie Pops. I don't really follow a recipe but you can find a similar recipe on So Good soy beverage Facebook page!
I have enjoyed So Good soy beverage for sometime now. My mom started drinking it years ago as she was told her bones were brittle and that drinking soy would be a great way to increase her calcium intake. So Good soy beverage is fortified with 15 essential nutrients including calcium, vitamins D2 and B12! Plus it doesn't effect my tummy or give me that head cold type feeling if I drink a whole cup.
Another great snack we enjoy, especially myself, is the Soy Frozen Desserts that are available in Creamy Vanilla, Butterscotch Swirl and Chocolate Supreme. They are dairy and lactose free, free of animals fats and healthier alternative to the traditional desserts. Oh and they are oh so tasty! My fave? The Butterscotch Swirl!
So Good offers many choices in flavors - Strawberry, Chocolate, Vanilla and Original. They also offer individual servings! This is just perfect for back-to-school or for on the go - heading out the door to work.
Don't forget to "Like" So Good soy beverage on Facebook to enjoy great recipes, enter contest and keep up-to-date on what is new!

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn on behalf of So Good. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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