Join in a book bash to celebrate S.J. Wright's Undead Brown County series of books!!
When: August 24th from 12-4 pst,
Where: On Facebook event page.
Read below to find out more about these books that we will be celebrating:
Sarah Wood, after witnessing a battle between several powerful vampires on her land, is left stunned and feeling immensely guilty for having given permission for her friend, Alex, to be turned into a vampire rather than allowing him to die from his injuries. And though she tried hard to keep her sister, Katie from knowing about the whole vampire situation at their family’s Inn in the wooded hills of southern Indiana, Katie became the victim of a kidnapping herself. Sarah is left to face the return of her mother, who had abandoned the girls when they were children. She’ll need every ounce of her bad attitude and quick temper to deal with the new surprises coming her way, including an illness that could very well leave the entire responsibility of the Inn and the vampires to fall onto the shoulders of her younger sister.
In the third book of the Undead in Brown County series, Sarah Wood has to deal with the changes in her sister, Katie. She also gets to know someone new in her life who could end up being her salvation. And then there's Michael. He's desperate to keep Sarah safe from his enemies. How far will he go in order to protect her?
They will also be giving away e-book and paperback copies of each of the
books along with some amazing t shirts!

~*Disclaimer: This post was written for a Book Bash with Release Day Diva. This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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