Clearing Physical and Emotional Clutter to Reconnect with Yourself and Others
Cut the Crap — and Discover What Really MattersOver the course of his career helping people let go of things they no longer need, Brooks Palmer has been struck by the many ways that clutter affects relationships. In these pages, he shows how we use clutter to protect ourselves, control others, and cling to the past, and how it keeps us from experiencing the joy of connection. With insight-prompting questions, exercises, client examples, and even whimsical line drawings, Palmer will take you from overwhelmed to empowered. His gentle guidance will help you to not only clear clutter from your home but also enjoy deeper, more authentic, and clutter-free relationships of all kinds
I am very excited to have my mom, Lois reviewing this book on Genuine Jenn. This is her first review for my blog and I am sure not her last as she really enjoys reading. I will also be coming back and adding my thoughts after I have a chance to read Clutter Busting your Life.
Lois' thoughts:
I found this book very interesting and informative. Brooks Palmer gave a lot of good examples of how to get rid of clutter in your life, from things in your own and also relationships. Throughout the book he explains the different kids of clutter including relationships that are not working anymore and making you unhappy. I never thought of relationships as clutter but after reading this book have really thought more about my relationships with others and if they are healthy. I was really glad to have the oopportunity to read this book as I have a lot of items to de-clutter in my life from my deceased parents, husband and other things I have been holding on too.
Throughout this book there are also exercises to help you de-clutter your life. These have been great in helping me part with some items and I will be using them some more. I highly recommend this book to everyone that has some kind of clutter they would like help getting rid of.
Brooks Palmer answered some questions in regard to clutter and how to get rid of it. Also how to help our kids clutter bust.
What is clutter?
Clutter is anything in our life that is no longer serving us.
How do I get rid of my clutter?
You go through your things one item at a time. You hold the item and you ask, "Do I like this, or can I let it go?" The first feeling that comes to you is the honest one. The more you do this the easier it becomes. When you look at a big pile of stuff it's overwhelming. Going through one item at a time is easier and doable.
What are some tips on letting go of clutter?
The going through one item at a time technique works well. Make sure to remove the clutter when you are done clutter busting. Toss the stuff that is unusable in the outside trash cans. Recycle the recyclables. Bring the usable stuff to a charity organization. Drink plenty of water while you clutter bust. Avoid phone calls. Turn off the TV. It's okay to listen to music that you like. You may feel resistance to starting. However once you start it becomes easy. There is a supportive momentum in starting the process. Once you get started it feels really good. Know that the clutter in your home or office keeps new things from coming into you life. There are things waiting in line to come into your life. Give them the space to come in.
What's the best way to help a child sort through their things?
It helps to be super easy going when working with kids. They can sense if we are trying to control them. Rather than tell them they have to clutter bust, it works well to say something like. "I wanted to see if you'd like to go through your things and see if there's anything you don't play with anymore. We can donate what you don't like to kids that don't have toys to play with."
If the kids don't want to clutter bust, don't push them. You can ask them again later. Or, you can ask them to help you clutter bust. They can ask you questions about your things. Perhaps in your openness, you can be an encouraging role model for them. Plus it helps to have a kid's eye when letting go. They often see things in a simpler way.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn of New World Publishing. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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