Do you have a little scientist on your hands? This Christmas why not give your scientist something to play with! The Potato Chip Science Book & Stuff is a great way to teach kids Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Earth Science by using potato's and potato chips.
"Snack on science! Make a science of snacks! Potato Chip Science is the book and kit that s an irresistible introduction to science for 8- to 12-year-olds. 29 incredible experiments plus one edible project that use potato chips, potatoes, potato chip bags, tubes, and lids.
Included in the bag are a 96-page two-color book and a dozen items that kids can use for the following snacktivities :
- Bag Blaster - Bird Feeder -Chipmobile
- Chip Analyzer - Chip-ShipChalleng
- Chip-Tube Gobbler - Color Wheel
- Compass - Composter - ConfettiCan-non
- CSI Detective Kit - Dancing Chips
- Electric Wave - Flipper - Hydrofoil - Kissing Tubes
- Kite - Mini Extermi-tater - Potato Bender - Potato Chip Crunchies
- Potato Battery - Saucer Tosser - Shrunken (Potato) Head
- Signal Mirror - Sound Spinner - Spud Crud - Spuddy Buddy
- Walkie-Talkie - Windmill
This is a great bag full of fun projects to keep your kids busy and learning. The pages are laied out with materials needed, method and the meaning. The book is full of pictures and great facts. It is sectioned off into groups - Bags, Chips, Lids, Spuds and Tubes. It would make a great gift or activities for over the Winter holidays from school. Visit Thomas Allen & Son ltd for where to buy.
Another great item for your scientist or curious children is the What's the BIG Idea? Amazing Science Questions for the Curious Kid by Vicki Cobb

"Why don't we feel the Earth move? Why does an ice cube float? Why can't you unscramble an egg? Why can't we live forever? These are all questions that a curious kid might ask. In What's the BIG Idea?, renowned juvenile science educator Vicki Cobb answers these and other fascinating questions to help kids learn more about the world through the wonders of science.
Scientists learn by asking questions. And this book, now in paperback, is designed to make young readers stop and think about each of the questions before reading what scientists have learned that answers each question. They'll be able to do simple things to see for themselves, and they will build their own scientific knowledge in the process. By the time they've finished this book, they'll get the big picture of what science is all about."
This book is huge! It consists of thirty-five important science questions and answers in four different sections - Motion, Energy, Matter and life. Throughout the book there are tons of pictures in a cartoon form with the bubbles to make it a fun read for kids. Each question and answer is a chapter ready to teach your curious child all about Science. Visit Thomas Allen & Son ltd. to find where to buy.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn on behalf of Thomas Allen & Son ltd. I received the above books for review purpose. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
These look like great books. I think my son would really enjoy the Potato Chip Science one especially.