As I write this it is actually Wednesday (because today I am napping after working all night) it has been a quiet day because I choose to take it quiet and hibernate. We are getting tons of snow again. Of course the groundhog saw his shadow so we will see 6 more weeks of winter.
I did a couple loads of laundry, read half of a review book and now I decided I should write this post before the kids get off the school bus.
My 5 Sense right now...........
Hearing ~ I am listening to some upbeat music. Right now it is Timber by Pitbull. I also hear Miss Molly dragging her food dish across the kitchen floor in her way of asking for more food even though she knows she wont get anything until the kids get in.
Sight ~ I am looking at my netbook as I write this with a cat in the kitchen window and snow falling endlessly. I hope it quits soon as I need to drive to work tonight. It does look nice when there is fresh white snow out there instead of all the dirty slush. I am ready for spring though and really ready for summer and all the fun it will bring this year.
Smell ~ Right now all I am smelling is my hot caramel apple cider. YUM!
Taste ~ I am enjoying a very tasty hot caramel apple cider before heading out to get the kids. It tastes so smooth and sweet. Hot enough to have to sip but not too hot to enjoy every sip.
Touch ~ My fingers tapping on the keyboard. Pushing buttons on the tablet to listen to another song or petting Molly when she comes over to nuzzle her head on my lap. While I touch I look at my fun Jamberry nail wraps :)

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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