.27 is a number Ruby hates.
It's a number that marks the percentage of the population that has survived. It's a number that means she's one of the "lucky" few still standing. And it's a number that says her father is probably dead.
Against all odds, Ruby has survived the catastrophic onset of the killer rain. Two weeks after the radio started broadcasting the warning, "It's in the rain. It's fatal and there's no cure," the drinkable water is running out. Ruby's left with two options: persevere on her own, or embark on a treacherous journey across the country to find her father-if he's even still alive.
Purchase a copy on Amazon.
About the Author:
Virginia Bergin works as a writer for TV, eLearning, and corporate projects. Most recently, she has been working in online education, creating interactive courses for The Open University. She lives in Bristol, England.
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I wasn't sure what to really expect from this novel as it is about "killer rain" and a YA. I was really interested in how this story would play out with the rain and how Ruby would get through it all. I will say one thing, Ruby isn't my favourite character, to be honest I didn't really find a character I really liked. The few that are in the book are very minor, Simon being more of a secondary character than most. I really did have a hard time in the end with Ruby as she is a self-absorbed brat, she is also a bit of a bully. Ruby is fifteen, I get that she is likely immature but she really doesn't seem to notice what is happening around her. She makes fun of another boy she finds along her travels, who ends of telling her she is a bully. She is fixated on Saskia another girl that hung around in her circle of friends. I took a couple days to think about this book after I finished reading it and I still don't like Ruby. I do now she that maybe some of her actions are out of shock and how she is dealing with everything that has been happening.
The concept of the "killing rain" is really interesting and I am sure it can have numerous stories about it. This one is Ruby's diary on what happened when the killer rain hit. I am pretty sure I would have liked this book more if I was a teen but as an adult I thought it was okay. I am interested in seeing what book two holds as this one left off on a bit of a cliff hanger.
I give this book a 3 out of 5 stars.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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