Last week I totally missed posting a quick update and for that I am sorry. I am really not sure if anyone is following this but if you are I haven't totally even up on the healthy lifestyle just yet. haha
With all the snow we have gotten in the last couple big snow falls I have been doing some great workouts in our driveway! It can be a lot of work clearing out the end of a double (well it actually fits four vehicles in total) lane driveway.
I haven't lost any weight yet but I also haven't gained any; that's a good thing right?
I still need to work on the drinking more water. I just don't like tap water and at work that is pretty much all we have available. I need to figure out a solution to this problem as I do find myself thirsty overnight. I have been pretty good with the snacking. Usually a bowl of cereal in the early am and maybe veggies or a fruit at night. I have been trying to have a snack before work if I am hungry but lately I haven't been!
I am thinking about getting myself on more vitamins to health with the getting and staying healthy part. A B12 vitamin and a multi-vitamin are both good ideas and I have been on those both. It is to remember to take them daily.
I have been walking a lot more. We (kids and I) have taken longer walks to the store or the park. I have been walking to any place that is in the downtown area and briskly walk when the kids are not with me. I had 2 nice walks today already. I found out we have a walking track at our community centre and may just have to venture over there someday soon.
Also found a tasty sweet snack Chocolate Chip Fudgie Cups made with Equal!

~*Disclaimer: This post is written by Canadian Coupon Mom. This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are honest and my own.*~