This week I have been working on becoming more active, even though I have been sick. Go figure last week I fall and hurt my hip, this week I have had a head cold/sore throat and now a cough. Blah winter can go away anytime.
Even with all that being said I have gotten my butt off the couch and moving. I took the kids sledding again, it was almost too warm out to be in snow pants and a big winter jacket but we did get about an hour in before everyone was too hot and getting really wet from the melting snow.
I also got Zumba for the Wii! Took me awhile to find a store near me that sold it. I am happy to say I have been on it 3 times this week and really got a sweat going. I am planning to take some more time to learn all the moves better to get an even better workout from it. I do find I feel it in my legs and abs, even in my arms and chest depending on the song/dance. I highly recommend trying it out if you are looking for a fun workout.
I wasn't able to workout yesterday due to working overnights and sleeping and I could really tell I should have tried to get a few minutes in.
What have you been up to this past week? Any great recipes? Would love to hear how your goals are going.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom in part with Fit & Firm blog hop. This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are honest and my own.*~