For as long as I can remember my daughter, A has been a HUGE Curious George fan. I can't even remember how or when but I remember her loving George. Anything George really - t-shirts, books, movies, stuffies; doesn't matter as long as it was Curious George!
When we would go to the library she would pick out Curious George books even ones we already had at home and even after I told her we have that one at home already. Oh well at least she is interested in the library and books, right?
This Valentine's Day we had a chance to take a look at a very new Curious George book called Happy Valentine's Day, Curious George! written by N. Di Angelo. This book is about George and his friends celebrating Valentine's Day together baking, decorating and card making... also a lot more surprises along the way. Unfold the flaps to join in the fun!
16 pages
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
8.5 X 8.6 X 0.5 in
03 Jan 2011
Our Thoughts: I love how this book has red sparkly foil throughout the book and catches your eye when reading the pages. My daughter was very excited to see this book sitting on the couch when she got home from school and we had to read it right away. She requested to open the flaps inside the book. After reading the first time through she wanted to read it again. Now we are sitting here typing out this review. A says she likes the "doors the best, also George and his friends" - A. A has helped type this review also. I think I may have a little blogger in the making!
Want to share this book with your Curious George fan? Find a retailer near you on Thomas Allen & Son Ltd.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom on behalf of Thomas Allen & Son ltd. We received a complimentary book for review purpose. All opinions are honest and my own.*~