Today is another big milestone at our house! My baby girl A turns 5 years old today. At exactly 8:06am A made her way into the world. She was threatening to meet us in Mid-August but then for some reason decided it wasn't time to enter the world, or maybe she knew she would be face with an eye poking monster named P. haha. He definitely kept me on my toes and A in my arms. It is a good thing she didn't get clingy for that reason.
This year A started Sr. Kindergarten and has been really excited to turn 5. She says she is now a big girl! Over the last five years she has grown into a beautiful and spirited child. I am so very proud of my little girl and will really miss having her small but wish her all the best for the years to come.
I am not a sappy writer and can never seem to find the words I want to say so I will leave you with this collage of pictures of A through the years.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
Happy birthday big girl! How she has grown!!! Proud mama you should be for sure!